Meal times
Children are offered a nutritious, healthy balanced diet with the opportunity to try new foods through our menu. These are an example of our weekly menus.
Menu for week commencing 27 February 2023
We aim to meet the full requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and Government Nutrition Guidelines for Early Years Settings.
Our menus are varied weekly to meet seasonal requirements and are regularly reviewed by a dietician. We offer regular food theme days giving the children the opportunity to try foods from around the world and also in celebration of Religious Festivals. Our meat is sourced from butchers and we use fresh and local produce wherever possible. We have a suggestions box for staff and parents to contribute ideas and suggestions for our menu.
All children have age appropriate food and quantities. We also cater for special dietary requirements.
All children are offered a dessert and have a choice of fresh fruit or the pudding on the menu.
Meal Timetable
- 7.30 - 9am
Snack 10am approx.
- Baby Room - timed to the individual child’s needs
- Toddlers - 11.30
- Nursery Room - 11.30
- Preschool - 11.30
Snack 2pm
Light Tea 3-4pm
Water is available at all times and is served at meal times.
Milk is served at snack time to children aged 12 months plus. Alternative milk options are catered for.
Communication is provided to parents on a daily basis of how well their child has eaten. A written record is given to parents for children aged less than 3 years.
Staff eat with the children to help make meal times feel social, setting examples of good table manners and encouraging conversation. The children are given plenty of time to finish their meal.
Food is never withheld as a form of punishment. Children are not allowed to bring any food into the nursery apart from birthday cakes which have to be shop bought so that ingredients used and use by dates can be checked. This is to prevent any problems for children with allergies.
All staff hold a food hygiene certificate and ensure that food is stored, prepared and served using food safety practices.
A list of children with allergies is available in each room and the kitchen. Food is prepared to look similar so that children do not feel singled out.